Standard translation
If your text contains fewer than 250 words, you will be charged £20
per word
Standard proofreading of a translation
If your text contains fewer than 500 words, you will be charged £20
per word
Standard proofreading of an English text
If your text contains fewer than 1000 words, you will be charged £20
per word
Proofreading of an English text written by a person with poor English skills
If your text contains fewer than 500 words, you will be charged £20
per word
Standard document formatting
Simple documents generally primarily consist of paragraphs of text.
per page
Complex document formatting
This might include complex tables or other unusual layouts.
per page
Other services
For specific information on royalty sharing and other pricing models, please send a detailed email with your query.
By negotiation
Please go to Contact to contract me to provide any of these services