Works of literature

Please go to Contact to contract me to provide this service.

If you are an author, published or otherwise, or you have written a fictional text, such as a screenplay, in German or Portuguese, I could be your key to accessing the English-speaking market.

I have worked on a number of creative writing projects for private customers in the past but my most important literary works to date are the translation of "A Treacherous Voyage" by Nuno Morais, which was published in 2021 and "The World I Live In And The Unexpected Stranger" by Angelo Asson, which was published in 2022.

If you are an unpublished author, my base translation rate of £0.08 per word is likely to apply; however, if you are already a published author in German or Portuguese, a detailed email with information about your text is a must, as I offer significantly reduced rates in exchange for a share of royalties.

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